Liebster Award

Thank you Queen Karen @ danceinmyshoes and Jacquie @ Joy Cottage for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I am thankful that you both thought of me, and I am continuously blessed by your blogs. You are both a bright light in our blogging community. Thank you ❤️

Karen’s posts show her dedication to Jesus, and her desire to inspire others. She always makes you feel so welcome when you stop by her blog, and she blesses you with meaningful conversation. The writings she shares are very helpful and encouraging.

Jacquie’s posts draw you into deeper fellowship with Jesus. Her intimacy with Him shines through her words. Her devotionals and poems are a true expression of God’s love and will uplift you. Her writings help strengthen your faith.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the up to 11 questions the blogger
    asked you.
  4. Nominate up to 11 bloggers and make them happy!
  5. Make up to 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  6. Notify your up to 11 nominees.

11 Facts About Me

1. I have 2 sisters.

2. I have 3 nephews and 1 niece.

3. My favorite season is spring.

4. I spent 1 month in Korea.

5. I don’t know how to swim.

6. I spent 3 years in the Army.

7. I love to go for walks.

8. All of my family members call me Keesha (my middle name is LaKeesha).

9. My first car was a Pontiac Lemans.

10. I’m 5’4.

11. I have 1 daughter.

Karen’s questions for me:

1. What is the fondest memory of your childhood?

I loved watching Scooby-Doo and Leave It To Beaver.

2. What is your favorite genre of music?

Praise and Worship

3. If you can visit three countries for free, what would they be?

Italy: to visit Rome has always been my dream. Kenya: I have friends that went on a mission trip to Kenya and loved it (but then again maybe Nigeria since Florence @ Fiez told me awhile back that I would be welcome at her house for dinner😊). Israel: I heard it feels amazing to walk where Jesus walked.

4. What is your all time favorite movie?

Private Benjamin

5. If you had to depend on one form of transportation for a year, what would you choose? (Car, plane, bus or bicycle)


6. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

John 3:16 NIV, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This was the first verse I memorized as a child. It reminds me of God’s love and salvation.

7. What is a book that you have read that has changed your perspective on life?

The Five Love Languages

8. If you can write a book about your life, what will you call it?

Break of Dawn

9. Are you a morning or evening person?


10. What are three things that you love about yourself and three things that you need to work on?

I love that I’m patient, calm, and kind. I need to work on not procrastinating, exercising more, getting to bed on time.

11. Who is your role model and why? My mom. She is a person of integrity who follows Christ.

Jacquie’s question’s for me:

1. For you, what is the most important character trait(s) in a person?

Honesty, respectfulness , thoughtfulness

2. For what or whom are you thankful?

I’m thankful to be alive, and I’m thankful for anyone who has impacted my life in a positive way, especially Jesus.

3. What would constitute a really good day for you? It’s a good day when I make it back home safe and healthy after a long day. Especially if it’s Friday and I am eating some tasty pizza for dinner.

4. Who is one person that inspires you? Joyce Meyer

5. Do you have a method for working through “stuck” places in your life?

First I pray about the issue to ask God for wisdom to move forward. Then I start taking the necessary steps as I am able to.

6. If you could go/be anywhere, where would that be?

A vacation to San Francisco, CA

7. Have you heard any good testimonies lately? (Can include your own).

At church a few weeks ago, a family of Chinese immigrants told their testimony about how they came to the US and became Christians.

8. Is there an aspect of autumn that you appreciate

The beautiful colors.

9. What is your preferred style/genre of writing or reading?


10. Is there a Scripture that resonates with you?

Lately Romans 8:28 NLT, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

11. Do you have someone in your life who makes you laugh?

I can’t think of just one person. I share laughs with different people at different times. Laughter is a blessing.

To My nominees, thanks for your blog. I look forward to reading your answers if you choose to participate. 🤗🌺

My Questions to my nominees

1. What are three things that you love about yourself and three things that you need to work on?

2. What’s your favorite color?

3. What is an important lesson you’ve learned in life?

4. Name three countries you’d like to visit.

5. What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

6. If you work, what type of work do you do?

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

8. Do you prefer summer or winter?

9. Are you a morning or evening person?

10. How do you work through difficulties?

11. What is your favorite bible verse?

Liebster Award

Thank you Jacquie at Joy Cottage for nominating me for the Liebster Award!! This is my 1st time receiving this award!😁I think it’s great that you and your husband Ken work together to mentor the young generation and share the love of Jesus Christ with them. Congrats on over 40 years of marriage! 🎉🎉🎉

Your blog posts are always filled with the truth of scripture and help me greatly because they are very encouraging. I’m thankful that we’re connected. ❤️☀️

Check out Jacquie’s blog at:

Joy Cottage

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

2. Share 11 facts about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.

4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!!

5. Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees!

6. Notify your 11 nominees.


11 Facts About Dawn:

1. I accepted Christ into my life and was baptized when I was 9.

2. I have 1 daughter who is 22.

3. I was born and raised in Virginia.

4. My favorite make of car is Toyota.

5. I was in the U.S. Army for 4 years.

6. I work as an accountant, and have been in the accounting field for 15 years.

7. I have 2 older sisters.

8. I love astronomy, and can spend hours reading about things out there in space.

9. One of my favorite volunteer experiences was at Abigail Ministries a pregnancy crisis center. I worked as overnight support and in transportation.

10. Another one of my favorite volunteer experiences was at Sandcastles, a grief support group for children and their families. I worked as a group facilitator in the teen room.

11. My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry.

 11 Questions Jacquie Asked Me:

1. Have you read the Bible? Do you have a favorite foundational Scripture?

Yes I try and read the Bible daily. I have read it the whole way through twice. My favorite verse is John 3:16. I memorized it when I was little.

2. If you could live in a different time/age, what/where would it be?

I’m not sure. But I’d go back to a time where things seemed simpler and were not as fast paced as they are nowadays.

3. What is your favorite place to be or to visit?

I love the park. It’s one of my favorite places to go. I enjoy talking with the Lord, meditating, and enjoying nature as I walk. My favorite park was in Michigan and is called Riverbends. (I lived in Michigan for 11 years.)

4. Do you have a pet? If so, what is/are their name(s)?

I do not have a pet. But growing up we had a dog named Toi for about 9 years. She was a Papillon.

5. Do you have a role-model? If so, who is it?

I admire many of the women in my family who are older than me who have set a great example for me. My mom, sister, Aunt Eloise and cousins Shirley, Rose, Bertha, Sylvia, and Belinda to name some.

6. Do you believe in prayer? Why?

I do believe in prayer. I’ve seen how it has worked in my life and the lives of others. I’ve seen God answer prayers and I have felt His peace through prayer.

7. Do you have a favorite childhood memory or activity?

I always enjoyed the school field trips during my grade school years. Two of my favorites were Colonial Williamsburg in the 6th grade, and Safety Town in kindergarten.

8. What type(s) of music do you like?

I mostly listen to praise and worship.

9. With whom do you enjoy spending time?

My daughter and I have a nice time together.

10. What or Who inspires you to write?

The Word of God, experiences I’ve had, people, the things around me, and my fellow bloggers.

11. Do you have a favorite style/genre of writing?


I nominate the following bloggers and my questions are below if you choose to participate. 🤗❤️

Imago Dei

Chasing Clarity


God’s Love




God’s Whispers of Truth

Plantings Seeds in God’s Growing Garden


Musings of a Wanderer

My Questions to the nominees:

1. Who would you want to have dinner with and why?

2. What inspired you to start writing a blog?

3. How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

4. What is an important lesson you’ve learned in life?

5. What is your favorite food?

6. What is your favorite memory?

7. What is your favorite color and why?

8. Do you have a role-model? If so, who is it?

9. With whom do you enjoy spending time?

10. Do you prefer cold or hot weather?