I Choose Jesus

I was watching a movie the other day, and in the movie the main character decided that she needed to find her “true self”. So along with that, she decided she no longer wanted to be married. After her divorce, she set out on a journey of traveling, exploring life and other cultures, and various forms of spirituality. One of her struggles was learning to forgive herself for ending her marriage. Since her husband loved her, and never wanted their marriage to end, forgiving herself was difficult. In some ways, I could identify with the lady in the movie. I too had to learn to forgive myself for divorce and other unfortunate things that have happened in the past.

At some point during the movie, the words “I choose Jesus”, came to my mind. As I watched the main character try to figure things out, and try to find peace by finally being able to forgive herself, I again realized how valuable it is to have the love and forgiveness of our Savior. By choosing Him, we choose healing, peace, restoration, and forgiveness. Any struggles we face, even forgiveness towards ourselves, we can turn over to Him. We can choose Jesus to handle our hurts, pains, and sins. Our freedom comes from Him, not our ability to find peace within ourselves based on our own actions. He is our peace.

I’m thankful we have the strength and power of the Holy Spirit to help us choose Jesus. When our trust in Him overrides our own understanding, we position ourselves to experience the victory that comes when we choose His will over our own. We choose Jesus when we accept Him into our hearts and lives. However, everyday we have to choose to live for Him by letting His Spirit guide our actions and decisions. When you choose Jesus, it changes your life.

Photo by: Artem Saranin

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

69 thoughts on “I Choose Jesus”

  1. Amen, so true. Glory to God! Choosing Jesus is life changing. When we choose to forgive it frees us, to live. Dawn this is a beautiful post, thanks for sharing. Believe we may have seen the same movie. Your description of the movie is vivid, touching the heart, opening ones eyes to look within. Bless you 🤗🙏💜

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Yonnie! You’re welcome. He has changed my life for sure and brought healing through my struggles. Oh cool! You saw it too? Was it with Julia Roberts? God bless you! 💕✝️💕

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  2. Dawn, this is a lovely, encouraging, and hopeful message of forgiveness. When we can forgive ourselves, it becomes more natural to forgive others. I love that our tests have the seed of testimony in them when we submit to Jesus. Blessings and love ♥

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Beautifully and powerfully written Dawn! “I choose Jesus,” I love it!. Thank you for your transparency and for sharing with the Holy Spirit put on your heart.

    We know that forgiving sets us free from anger and bitterness, emotions that not only can destroy us in the natural but it hinders our walk and relationship with God and hold us back from everything God wants us to experience. I admit, forgiving myself is an on going battle. The mistakes I’ve made has regret attached to it. I tend to say things to myself like, “I’m always saying the wrong things,” “I’ll never get any further than where I am.”

    Forgiving ourselves means letting go of the past or the past we’ve created in our mind. When I try to forgive myself it’s like trying to release something that is apart of me. I don’t know if that makes any sense–I’ve built an identity around the pain that it became how I defined myself. What I constantly have to remind myself of is Romans 8:1.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome. And thank you also for sharing. I get where you’re coming from. I think you hit on something important when you said, “the past we’ve created in our mind”. We mentally hold on to things so it’s hard to let go. Romans 8:1 is a perfect reminder of the freedom God wants for us. With His help I know we will continue to make progress. ❤️

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  4. Such truth and wisdom in this post. I met with a lady yesterday who is struggling so bad in her marriage. And you know what, I get her. If my husband treated me that ways her does I would probably be gone, not divorced but gone for a while till we both worked out the issues. the early years of our marriage were horrible, I left him three times because of drinking and at 26 he had a massive heart attack, that got his attention. He was a blackslidden Christian, I was not saved but four years after his attack, he got his relationship right with God, I got saved and it’s been a bed of roses ever since. Sorry I could not help but throw that big fat lie in there, just for fun. of course we still have our bad times but now we at least have the best counselor to go to. Marriage is just plain hard at times, even the best ones. Being dedicated to Christ who loves me more then my husband ever cold and loves him more then I ever could has helped us get through some rough times. Thanks for posting this, honest we need more truthful women of God giving our wise honest counsel. Blessings.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Ms Betty for sharing! I appreciate your insight, honesty and wisdom also. Glad that God worked through the ups and downs to bring you both back to Jesus. Haha! At least some days are a bed of roses I’m sure. 🌹


      1. Yep, there are the roses times and we learn something about each other all the time as we become more open with each other. We have been married 55 years…and still there is a lot to learn.

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  5. Thank you for your open words. Between separation, decision to divorce and then the divorce lay with me 5 years. I am grateful to all people who have not condemned me, but have accompanied me. I myself do not like divorce and it’s true what you write yourself forgive yourself. But sometimes it’s better to get out of destructive relationships and make a fresh start with God’s help. Blessed be.
    In Jesus connected Hendrik

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  6. Amen! It is such a blessing to choose Jesus. It is so important that before anyone gets married that they know themselves. This can prevent a lot of heart aches. Thank you for sharing this lovely heartwarming post.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes that’s true you need to know yourself. I’ve been divorced along time so one of the things I’ve enjoyed about my singleness is getting to know myself. You’re welcome! ❤️


      1. Oh great. I started to write a book for single women and that is a key point in it. I never appreciated my single life until God showed me how important that season of your life is.

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  7. Thank you for the reminder about forgiving self. We often forget to forgive self causing us to live in a past that has already been forgiven and forgotten by our Lord. I am going to share this with someone who is stuck in the past.

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  8. If the husband still loved her, did she go back to him? It’s true Jesus helps us forgive ourselves, but sometimes there’s more we can do. I’m guessing the movie wasn’t faith-based, so she probably didn’t, but in real life God has been known to mend broken relationships of all kinds. Having Jesus in my life not only lets me know when I have blown it and that I’m forgiven, but sometimes He helps me fix it! Sometimes His Spirit is like my GPS when I hear that “still, small voice” telling me, “Turn around when possible.” 😉

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    1. No she didn’t. She struggled instead to find peace within herself. The peace that only Jesus can give us. So true! He is our spiritual GPS, leading us daily. We just have to learn to listen. Thanks for sharing! ❤️😊

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