Trusting God Through Changes

Psalm 32:8 NLT, “The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

My daughter and I have been living in Florida for about four years now. She received a scholarship to attend a university here in Miami. So in 2015, we relocated from the Detroit area of Michigan, (where we lived for eleven years), so that she could attend the school. She lived on campus in the dorm all four years, but she’s been back home with me since May, which is when she graduated. Although we had to get used to living together again, it’s been nice having her home.

Earlier this year, she applied for a program to teach abroad in Spain and was accepted. So next month she’ll be leaving for her new adventure in Spain. I’m very excited for her, but of course I’ll miss her. Although her major is in Art History, she has a minor in Spanish Language and Culture. So living in a Spanish speaking country will enhance her Spanish speaking skills. Of course there are many Spanish speakers here in Miami, but living in a place like Spain, where the official language is Spanish, will be a great experience for her.

Well with my daughter leaving, I knew I would end up leaving to. We don’t have any family here in South Florida, and there is no reason for me to remain here. This past Monday, I turned in my resignation at my job. That was a big exciting step for me. I had been praying over it, so I had peace that it was what God was leading me to do. I won’t be leaving my job until October, but I wanted to give my employer plenty of notice.

Once I leave, I’ll be relocating back to Virginia, which is the state where I was born and raised. My mom and many of my other family members live there. It will be awesome to be with family again. I don’t have a job in Virginia yet, but I will trust God. He always provides for me when He takes me through these type of changes.

This season of my life in Florida has been filled with many lessons, and it has not always been easy. Being here has really challenged me in many ways, and caused me to grow in my relationship with Christ. I am so thankful that God kept my daughter and I safe throughout these four years. I’ve had to trust God every step of the way, and pray without ceasing. Prayer, worship, and God’s love letter to us, the Bible, have been my lifelines.

Our lives in Jesus Christ are lived by faith. We have to trust Him completely, even with the unknowns of life. I’ve learned that God usually reveals His will one step at a time. When we take one step of obedience by faith, then He’ll show us the next step.

I’m looking forward to sharing more with you about my time in Florida and my transition to Virginia in future writings. If you’re going through any changes of your own, keep trusting God to direct your paths. Everyday of your life is part of His loving plan for you. Even on the difficult days He works all things together for our good.

As always, thank you for your continued prayers, support, and encouragement.

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

58 thoughts on “Trusting God Through Changes”

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! His presence with us is a comfort. Enjoy the women’s day festivities in South Africa. Our women’s day was in March. There was a couple from South Africa that used to come every year and speak at my church in Michigan named Rudi and Sharon Swanepoel. They were awesome. ❤️ Website below…

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  1. Dawn, as I read your post this morning I felt the sadness, the hope, the uncertainty, the expectations, the (other words I can’t even describe). You are such a great mom, truly! You moved across the state lines to be your daughter’s cheerleader 📣. Wow! Now you are taking another leap of faith not knowing what will happen. I’m so proud of you big sister, and look forward to seeing how God’s plan will be unfolding for both you and Shalenah who by the way, is a brave soul to be stepping out “globally” on her own.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks little sister. You’re making me cry. I appreciate your continuous encouragement. I’m really excited to make this change and I believe God will work things out for us. Thanks so much for the prayers. ❤️❤️❤️

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      1. Awwww, a little cry is good for us every now and again.
        Abba will certainly work all things out for your good my love – ALL things! I’m also glad that you will be now able to be around family and even closer to mmmmeeeeee 🤗

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      2. He will definitely work it out!! I’m super excited about being around family!! And yes I thought about that…NJ is not too far. I’m sure I’ll get to see you. I have family in PA, NY, and NJ.

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    1. Thanks Michelle for the prayers! I really appreciate it. Yes she’s excited, but it is scary too. And thanks I’m looking forward to being back in Virginia! I have not lived there since 2004 when I left to move to Michigan. ❤️😊

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  2. Your daughter will have the experience of a lifetime. You can live where you can see snow again in the winter. 🙂
    Jesus already knows the job you will have in Virginia little sister. Prayed for you 🙂

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    1. I know she will enjoy it. I just realized when I get to Virginia the weather will be getting cold lol. I will miss Florida’s year round summer lol. Thanks so much for the prayers and support big brother, it means a lot. ❤️😊

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  3. Hi Dawn, I smiled while I read your post. I am a military wife, I move every 2 or three years. I knew this was coming, but I never know where. In the past, I used to be worried, but now I’m sooo open. I feel like wherever I move to my mission is to spread the gospel, so I am willing and ready. I saw that Germany was on our posting, I was even open to move to a new country. A few weeks ago, I learnt we were moving 20 mins away!! I am excited for you, when God says move just follow him. You will be just fine, as God is with you always. Looking forward to reading about your move! God bless

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ang for the encouragement!! What branch of the military is your husband in? I was in the Army for a short while. Viewing a move as a way to spread the gospel is a wonderful way to look at things. I will do the same! We can’t go wrong when we follow Him. Thanks sister. God bless you too! ❤️🤗


  4. Dawn, what an exciting, provision filled time you and your daughter are entering! How beautiful that you get to be near family in the place you call home. May He continue to bless your faithfulness, and “open the door for you that no man can shut.” Blessings dear sister 💞

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    1. Thanks Jacquie!! It is exciting to be returning home and to be near family! Thanks for the prayers. I’m believing there are great things ahead. Blessings to you too sister ❤️❤️

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  5. Hi Dawn,

    Thank you for the encouragement and you are a blessing. I am so happy for you and praying God’s will and blessing in these transitions. I am smile about Papa God’s continued faithfulness in your life and the beautiful grow that has flourished in you through Jesus. God bless and we love you dear friend and sister.

    Andrea 😁💗

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    1. Love you guys too Andrea! I’ve been thinking of you. Hope to talk with you soon. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement. I’m thankful for your prayers and friendship. Tell your Dad hi ❤️❤️❤️


  6. Best wishes to you and your daughter. Her time in Spain is a wonderful opportunity. Years ago, a cousin of mine spent two years as a teacher in Scotland. God will be with your daughter as well as your transition back to Virginia.

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    1. Thank you very much! I appreciate your encouragement. I’m looking forward to this new season in both of our lives. Scotland looks like a beautiful place. I’m sure it was enjoyable for your cousin. 😊


  7. Congratulations to your daughter! She sounds adventuresome! Hopefully, you will have an opportunity to visit her in Spain! Congratulations to you, too! You have my prayers as you prepare to move to Virginia. I got a little sad when you said you were moving, but then I thought, “Deb, she’s leaving Florida, not WordPress! “, and then I cheered up 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Deborah! I would like to visit Spain. I just recently got my passport! Thanks so much for the prayers, that means a lot to me. Awww you made me smile…yes I will still be here on WordPress!!! 😁❤️

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  8. You’re such a good mum. Being there for your daughter until she’s matured enough to be by herself – in Spain. Thank God for the opportunity and with your faith in him, I’m sure you’ll secure a job soon where your family is. All the best.

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