The Thorn In Our Flesh

I, like most people, have wondered what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was. There are many speculations, but we don’t know for sure. He did say that this “thorn” helped him to stay humble. It kept him from thinking too highly of himself.

2 Corinthians 12:7 NIV, “or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.”

I know for me, there is always something that I struggle with at different times in my walk with God. Even if I think I’ve gotten pretty good in one area, then something else will pop up that I need to work on. God is always stretching us. He wants us to be a reflection of His Son. He desires for us to have an impact on those who are around us.

We are constantly in need of God’s grace and power to be effective. Our “thorns” will keep us sensitive to the fact that without the power of the Holy Spirit, we are nothing. It’s Him who causes our efforts, gifts, and talents to touch the lives of others. It’s Him who gives us the ability to follow Jesus.

Give your thorns to God in prayer and trust Him to use your weaknesses for His glory.

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

15 thoughts on “The Thorn In Our Flesh”

  1. I believe Paul came to understand that there was a particular purpose for the thorn stuck deep into the flesh. Paul was in danger of spiritual pride, of glorying in his abilities, in his knowledge, in his experiences, in his privileges and outstanding success.

    I see the thorn was a disability acting as a counterpoise to enforce the great truth that a Christian can only survive and achieve anything for God by a sense of his natural helplessness. We have to go in our weakness to God and cry, “Make me strong.” We have to go in our emptiness to God and ask, “Fill me Lord.” Paul could only sow and water. That was the limit of his ability. God alone could give the increase…I know I have been given thorn in the flesh to help my growth in Christlikeness. But God’s grace is sufficient for me

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been learning to just give my struggles to Jesus. You mentioned spiritual pride, that’s a great one! We must stay humble in our Christian walk. The Holy Spirit is our true Teacher and we can also learn a lot from one another. Thanks so much Fay, always a joy to hear your wisdom. 💕

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  2. Thank you Dawn, “I am His, and He is mine.” How great that we have a Father who loves us so deeply that He is willing to do whatever it takes for us to become what He envisioned. There is comfort in knowing that He knows the beginning from the end, and will never leave or forsake us. The temptation sometimes with thorns, is to feel forsaken. Yet, we are only ever loved by the One who knows us best. Blessings!

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    1. You’re welcome Jacquie! 😊He does love us deeply and is concerned about our process of becoming who He created us to be. He does indeed know us best, even better than we know ourselves. Thanks for your valuable insight and the follow. Looking forward to reading your posts.

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  3. Wonderful post. I’m blessed by it. Experience of Paul and what he said about it is to help us keep in mind that Christianity is all about cross/thorn. We hardly get this in our world today. We all want it easy all the time and when something unpleasant happens, we give up hope and sometimes give up the faith but thorn just like it did Paul and other Chriatian before us, keeps us humble before God so that we won’t be carried away.

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    1. Thanks Florence! You’re so right. We live in a world where taking the easy way out is promoted. We can’t give up when things get hard! We must keep going in Christ. Thanks for your great insight. Sometimes I feel like giving up but I must keep going! Thanks again ☀️❤️


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