Love God, Love People

Matthew 27:37-39 NIV, “37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

I recently watched a testimony on YouTube of a young woman named Jackie Hill Perry who used to be a lesbian. Her testimony of her faith in Christ, and the love and healing that she found in Him was inspiring. You can check it out here: Testimony

A couple of points that Jackie made in her testimony that really stuck with me when it comes to winning souls to Christ were as follows:

1. Love God, love people, and remember that God is faithful. You never know how He is working in someone’s life.

2. Don’t be afraid to have those “tough conversations” when needed, because we can’t just gloss over things and act like they don’t exist. Glossing over things is not love, it’s hate.

We never know a person’s story until we take time to listen. Through our listening, we can understand them better and show concern for them no matter who they are or where they come from. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. We all need Jesus. Loving God and loving people will shine a light into the darkness of this world.

Photo by: PNW Production

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

31 thoughts on “Love God, Love People”

  1. Taking time to listen without judgment is so important. God loves everyone; we need to spread His love and His Word. 💗✨🌼🌺 (I’ve been having trouble posting comments to your site)

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  2. I love this combination. We cannot love one without the other. We cannot love God and hate people and we cannot say we love people and do not have the love of God in our hearts. Thanks for sharing this word and the testimony. I will take some time to listen later.

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  3. This is what we need right now in the American Church: understanding. Jesus wants us to love others but not before God and ourselves. You cannot give away what you don’t have yourself.

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  4. We never know a person’s story until we take time to listen. So true and when I do listen well I am always amazed at the things God enlighten me to. I love it when He gives insight and wisdom, makes me feel loved by Him that He would share someone elses heart so He can use me to minister to them. Good post Dawn.

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