The Real Neat Blog Award

Thank you Mrs. Holliman at God’s Love for this award nomination. It’s my first time receiving this award! 🌼

Stop by Mrs. Holliman’s blog, God’s Love to receive inspiration, and encouragement to keep following Jesus. She has a heart to see souls come to know Jesus and experience His love. ❤️


1. Display the blog award logo in your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Do not forget to link to their blogging website.
3. Answer all the questions they have given you.
4. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice.
5. Ask them 7 questions.

Mrs. Holliman’s Questions to me:

1. Do you like winter? It depends on where I’m living. Right now in the part of Virginia where I live, the winter’s are mild so I like them. In Florida there was no winter weather. In Michigan I disliked winter. It was bitter cold with ice and snow.

2. What is a Christmas tradition in your family? Having Christmas dinner and visiting one another.

3. When was the last time you ate at McDonalds? I think I’ve eaten there once over the last several months.

4. What is your favorite way to exercise? Walking and YouTube videos.

5. What is your usual bedtime? By 11pm when I have to go to work.

6. What was yesterday’s highlight for you? Attending church with my mom.

7. What is your favorite meat? Historically it was always chicken and fish but now I think it’s just fish.

My nominees are below. If you choose to participate please answer Mrs. Holliman’s questions. 😊💕






Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

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