God’s Working Things Out

Romans 8:28 NIV, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

This verse is a true expression of God’s sovereignty. When we love Him, and we are dedicated to His purpose, He causes everything in our lives to work together for good. Of course it may not seem like it when we are going through hard times, but everything that happens, both good and bad, are part of His bigger plan. Often times, we have to look back and recall God’s blessings, to better see how He has worked things together for good.

Psalm 77:12 NIV, “I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

The Psalmist took time to meditate on all the mighty things God had done. Doing so wiIl strengthen our faith and trust in God. I know for me, I can look back over my years in the workplace and see numerous times God has worked things out for my good. For example, one time I left a company that had a bad work environment, and shortly after leaving, half of my department was let go. God spared me the drama of having my job snatched away. He knew what was up the road. His timing for me to leave “in advance” was perfect.

With God, none of our experiences are ever wasted. Rather good or bad, He will use them for His glory and our growth. Like the Psalmist, we should take time to meditate on God’s mighty deeds. Then we can be reminded of His goodness and mercy that follow us, each and every day of our lives.

Meditate on His Goodness

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

18 thoughts on “God’s Working Things Out”

  1. Embracing the truth of Romans 8:28 is a wonderful way to not live in regret and pulled down into wallowing in self pity. If I had not had the experiences in the past, then I would not have met the people the Lord wants me to reach out to with the love of Jesus.

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  2. Amen…. wonderful post…. yes God works all things together for good… for both his good and our good. He has been good to me even going through hardships in life. He has been there for my family and I… Thank you for sharing Dawn…. ❤️❤️❤️

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  3. Hmmmm. Great reminder big sis! By holding this truth in our noggins, we can have a godly perspective always. It’s so easy to cry “why me” but knowing God is working it all out, we can say “why not me?” ❤️

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    1. “Why not me?”…I like that. God allows us to go through things for His greater purpose. Our trials can be used to draw us closer to Him and help others to do the same. Thanks lil sis! ❤️

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  4. Apostle Paul’s writing in the Book of Romans is as deep as it is wide. I am nearly finished with a study of the entire book, and it has been a journey of faith in God’s Word. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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