No Need to Worry

Philippians 4:6-7 NLT, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

These are verses that are familiar to many of us. And they’ve been on my mind quite a bit over the last week. As we all know, life can be tough and give us many reasons to worry. However, God is giving us another option. He invites us to choose to be thankful, and present our worries to Him in exchange for His peace.

Photo by: Oleksandr P of the Ukraine 🇺🇦

I am convinced that choosing not to worry takes some intentional effort. Because even though we may not want to worry, worry often consumes us and we find ourselves struggling to trust God. Trusting God can be especially hard when we do not see immediate answers to our prayers. But nevertheless, we have a choice. Even when we do not see the immediate answers we hoped to see, we can still open our hearts to receive God’s peace.

Since choosing not to worry takes effort, then prayer is an essential first step. No matter where we are or what we are doing we can whisper a prayer to God. We can repent for not giving God our worries in the specific situation (repentance refreshes us, Acts 3:19-21) and then we can ask Him for His help not to worry. It is such a blessing that He is always willing to help us do the things He instructs us to do. We can also pray for discernment and wisdom in our situation and God will show us what He wants us to know or do. And through all of this, we get to receive His peace as He guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Photo by: M Venter of South Africa 🇿🇦

Through these verses in Philippians, God is inviting us to relinquish control of people and situations and trust Him. Trust his goodness, trust His justice, trust His mercy, trust His provision, trust His faithfulness and trust His love.

God is a good Father, who wants the best for us. His desire is for us to walk in His perfect peace. I pray that we would quickly pray and learn to receive His peace, no matter what we are facing.

Isaiah 26:3-4, ”You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

27 thoughts on “No Need to Worry”

  1. Dawn, this post really spoke to me. As you said it is a very familiar verse, we know it but worry is something we battle often and choosing to surrender the situation and emotion to God is a choice that we have to keep on making. Easier said than done but we are not alone as He helps us. When we call upon his name. I agree wholeheartedly that praying repeatedly helps.
    Blessings 💙🙏🏽

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    1. I’m glad it was helpful to you. Yes, it’s an ongoing battle. I’m glad His mercies are new every morning and that we can call on Him anytime. Blessings Manu, enjoy your week. 💕💐

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  2. Dawn,

    I know this is a great message, and one that I struggle with. The thing your post brought about in me is the difference of faith and trust. This may go unnoticed by many, but until this post, I used to harmonize them as well. The truth is though, having faith is just believing God can, but having trust is knowing God will.

    I struggle trusting the process a lot, which means I struggle trusting that God will bring me through. It is not that He can’t, but does He want that in my future. Even though I know the difference enough to teach others, just like Jesus, my flesh gets tempted. In addition, we all have to recognize God has His own plan for our lives and our “efforts” may be wasted to the flesh’s ideas.

    I think this is a great message for myself as well as your readers- keep it up!❤️



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    1. Hi Samantha. Thank you! I too have times where although I know God can, I have difficulties trusting Him to do it for me. Even lately I have had many conversations with God about this. I feel He keeps reminding me of His love for me and to remember His past faithfulness to me. That has helped me a lot but even so I have my days. You’re so right about Him having a plan. I try and remember I have to trust His plan. I pray the Lord will strengthen us both in this area. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! ❤️


  3. Life has ups and downs, and worrying is human nature to protect ourselves from expected danger, but that verse you shared Dawn, gives us strength as we walk in the valley of death, our God is of hills and valleys, as we walk through the mountain we should remember he’s the one who placed us on top, and as we walk through the valley he reminds us that we’re not alone.
    Thanks for the verse and your uplifting words… as we “relinquish the control of people and situations and trust him”~loved these words. God bless🙏

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    1. I like how you put it, “our God is of hills and valleys,” we can rest knowing we are in His care through it all. Sometimes when we’re in the valley it’s easy to forget that He has a good plan. You’re welcome! God bless you too, Sanjo. Enjoy your week. ❤️

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  4. It’s difficult to keep ourselves from worrying sometimes. But each moment we have an opportunity to put our trust in Jesus and cast out cares on Him. Thank you for this much-needed encouragement, Dawn! ♥️

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    1. You’re welcome Bridget, glad it was encouraging. Somedays for me learning to cast my care is definitely a moment by moment thing! But what a great opportunity it is to grow in trust and faith. Blessings, enjoy your week ❤️

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  5. Thanks for this reminder, sis. ♥️

    May we come to trust God wholeheartedly. Cos I’ve come to realize, to trust someone means we should trust the ways and acts of the person. Not in words alone but by actions. 🙌🏼🙌🏼

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  6. This is post is a blessing to me. It is thd third post that I read this morning that is encouraging us about the power of prayer. I will share with my son because I waa encouraging him this morning concerning his prayer for a job. Whatever the outcome God will give him peace. Thank you.

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    1. I’m thankful to hear it was a blessing and I hope Jadon will be encouraged too. I thought of him earlier this week and I’m continuing to pray for him. The Lord will supply his needs. May his heart and mind be filled with peace. Have a nice weekend Beverley. ❤️

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