Give Cheerfully

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

God loves a cheerful giver. Rather we are giving our money, our time, or our other resources, He is concerned with our attitude and our motives when we give. The purpose of our giving is to bring God glory. A tiny gift given out of love and humility, will far outweigh a large gift given grudgingly or with pride. The Lord can see our hearts. He knows exactly why we do what we do. We may be able to fool people, but we can’t fool Him.

Photo by: Min An

Allowing ourselves to be lead by the Holy Spirit in our giving will ensure that we are obeying God as we give. Realizing that all we have is because of His goodness will keep us humble. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down to us from God our Father (James 1:17). Thank you Father for supplying our needs and giving us opportunities to give.

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

48 thoughts on “Give Cheerfully”

  1. Absolutely agree with the point in which you’ve shared that we need Holy Spirit to lead us as we give. He helps us to ensure we have a pure motive and I’m truly thankful for that 🙌🏽

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes, giving is really wonderful when it’s sincere and done with joy. ☺ This is a great reminder to check our motives and appreciate all that the Lord gives us out of His kind and pure heart. May we be more like Jesus in all of our giving. Thanks for the inspiration and reminder Dawn! ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sharing this truth sis. ❤
    Whatever we give, should be of our freewill and given cheerfully. Whether it is given to a person or even when giving to God. And it relates to our service to God and lives too.

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  4. Amen. It is such a great pleasure when you give willing from your heart. However, some of the pastors have taken away that pleasure when they coerce or shame people into giving. During the lock down when many people were out of work, some pastors were still telling people that they still need to pay their tithes. Some have even threatened members that if they do not pay their tithes they will not participate in service. If you give out of compulsion you will lost the joy of giving and you will not receive your blessings. Thank you for this reminder. Great post.

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    1. That’s crazy! I don’t see how they expect people to pay tithes without an income. Unfortunately church has become a business. Many church leaders seem to care more about money than seeing their members be free from sin and walk in victory. We have to be lead by the Spirit and obey God’s Word. Man will disappoint us if we don’t put God first in all things. You’re welcome! ❤️


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