Barnabas Award

Thank you to the following bloggers for acknowledging my blog and nominating me for the Barnabas Award. I am thankful for you and your blogs.

Stephanie @ CloserWithStephanie, thank you for sharing the truth of God’s Word. Your writings are very heartfelt and honest and encourage me to keep trusting God.

Jacquie @ Joy Cottage, thank you because I always feel the love and joy of the Lord through your poetry and writings. Your posts overflow with encouragement and help me to stay close to Christ.

Yonnie @ YonnieInHisCare, thank you for your inspiring and encouraging poems that make me feel more aware of God’s creation. Your words paint a picture of the many beautiful things in life that surround us.

Matt @ Jesusluvsall, thank you for sharing about the many ways that Jesus shows up in daily life. Your stories of triumph through chronic illness, and helping refugees and immigrants encourage me by showing me God’s love in action.

The Way the Barnabas Award Works

1)Thank the person who nominated you and share their blog.

2)Think of five bloggers that encourage and inspire you and nominate them.

3)List 5 things about yourself

4)Lastly, ask your nominees 5 questions. Why 5? Because it is the number that signifies grace.

5 Things About Me

1. I’m not a big coffee drinker, but when I do drink it I like Vanilla creamer and sugar.

2. I accepted Christ when I was nine.

3. My favorite fruit is pineapple.

4. I went to the top of the St Louis Arch once.

5. I have 3 nephews and 1 niece.

Stephanie’s Questions to me…

1. If there was only one thing readers could take away from your blog, as a life lesson, what would it be? To keep trusting in Jesus one day at a time.

2. Where would you want to vacation, and why? Italy. It seems like a beautiful place. My little sister Bukola lives in Italy and recently wrote a helpful post 5 Things You Should Keep In Mind When Visiting Italy.

3. What is your favorite food? Pizza and French fries.

4. What is the craziest goal you want to achieve, and what do you think it will take to reach it? I worked for a couple of property management companies and always thought it would be nice to own an apartment building and give people “affordable housing” that doesn’t take all their paycheck. It would take more knowledge about real estate investing.

5. In what ways do you want to be closer to Christ? I want to continue to grow in the knowledge of His Word and obedience to His Word because that will make me closer to Him and keep my life purposeful.

Jacquie’s and Matt’s Questions to me

  1. Who in your life is your biggest encourager? The Lord, and my close friends/family.
  2. How do you see yourself as being an encouragement to others? By sharing positive things with them and letting them know the good things I see in them when I have opportunities to.
  3. When was the last time someone gave you words of encouragement? Today.
  4. When you are down, what encourages you to get back up and keep pressing on? Meditating on the word, prayer, and talking to someone I’m close to.
  5. Who was your greatest encourager when you first accepted Christ? Mom and my Sunday school teacher.

Yonnie’s Questions to me…

  1. Share a time when you felt, as if you were alone and why? I spent a lot of time alone during my time living in Florida but I never felt lonely. I enjoyed that time growing closer to the Lord.
  2. How do you encourage and embrace a strangers? Greeting them with a smile and speaking to them.
  3. When you are down, what encourages you to get back up and keep pressing on?Meditating on the word, prayer, and talking to someone I’m close to.
  4. Name two ways you encourage others? By taking time out to listen to them or talk to them. Giving them a genuine compliment when I see something that needs to be complimented.
  5. Who was your greatest encourager when you first accepted Christ? Mom and my Sunday school teacher.

My nominees (if you choose to participate) 🤗 🎉

Queen Karen

Homer and Wanda

Heather Dawn



Questions to my nominees:

  1. Who in your life is your biggest encourager?
  2. How do you see yourself as being an encouragement to others?
  3. When was the last time someone gave you words of encouragement?
  4. When you are down, what encourages you to get back up and keep pressing on?
  5. Who was your greatest encourager when you first accepted Christ?

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

36 thoughts on “Barnabas Award”

  1. Loved reading your replies big sis. We truly ain’t lonely with Christ in us. 💯

    And I pray the goal you have to reach out to make it easier on folks – housing wise. Comes true even sooner than you envisage. A lot of lives will be blessed by it. Really great vision. ❤

    Congrats on your nominations. ❤❤

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