Liebster Award

Thank you Jacquie at Joy Cottage for nominating me for the Liebster Award!! This is my 1st time receiving this award!😁I think it’s great that you and your husband Ken work together to mentor the young generation and share the love of Jesus Christ with them. Congrats on over 40 years of marriage! 🎉🎉🎉

Your blog posts are always filled with the truth of scripture and help me greatly because they are very encouraging. I’m thankful that we’re connected. ❤️☀️

Check out Jacquie’s blog at:

Joy Cottage

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

2. Share 11 facts about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.

4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!!

5. Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees!

6. Notify your 11 nominees.


11 Facts About Dawn:

1. I accepted Christ into my life and was baptized when I was 9.

2. I have 1 daughter who is 22.

3. I was born and raised in Virginia.

4. My favorite make of car is Toyota.

5. I was in the U.S. Army for 4 years.

6. I work as an accountant, and have been in the accounting field for 15 years.

7. I have 2 older sisters.

8. I love astronomy, and can spend hours reading about things out there in space.

9. One of my favorite volunteer experiences was at Abigail Ministries a pregnancy crisis center. I worked as overnight support and in transportation.

10. Another one of my favorite volunteer experiences was at Sandcastles, a grief support group for children and their families. I worked as a group facilitator in the teen room.

11. My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry.

 11 Questions Jacquie Asked Me:

1. Have you read the Bible? Do you have a favorite foundational Scripture?

Yes I try and read the Bible daily. I have read it the whole way through twice. My favorite verse is John 3:16. I memorized it when I was little.

2. If you could live in a different time/age, what/where would it be?

I’m not sure. But I’d go back to a time where things seemed simpler and were not as fast paced as they are nowadays.

3. What is your favorite place to be or to visit?

I love the park. It’s one of my favorite places to go. I enjoy talking with the Lord, meditating, and enjoying nature as I walk. My favorite park was in Michigan and is called Riverbends. (I lived in Michigan for 11 years.)

4. Do you have a pet? If so, what is/are their name(s)?

I do not have a pet. But growing up we had a dog named Toi for about 9 years. She was a Papillon.

5. Do you have a role-model? If so, who is it?

I admire many of the women in my family who are older than me who have set a great example for me. My mom, sister, Aunt Eloise and cousins Shirley, Rose, Bertha, Sylvia, and Belinda to name some.

6. Do you believe in prayer? Why?

I do believe in prayer. I’ve seen how it has worked in my life and the lives of others. I’ve seen God answer prayers and I have felt His peace through prayer.

7. Do you have a favorite childhood memory or activity?

I always enjoyed the school field trips during my grade school years. Two of my favorites were Colonial Williamsburg in the 6th grade, and Safety Town in kindergarten.

8. What type(s) of music do you like?

I mostly listen to praise and worship.

9. With whom do you enjoy spending time?

My daughter and I have a nice time together.

10. What or Who inspires you to write?

The Word of God, experiences I’ve had, people, the things around me, and my fellow bloggers.

11. Do you have a favorite style/genre of writing?


I nominate the following bloggers and my questions are below if you choose to participate. 🤗❤️

Imago Dei

Chasing Clarity


God’s Love




God’s Whispers of Truth

Plantings Seeds in God’s Growing Garden


Musings of a Wanderer

My Questions to the nominees:

1. Who would you want to have dinner with and why?

2. What inspired you to start writing a blog?

3. How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

4. What is an important lesson you’ve learned in life?

5. What is your favorite food?

6. What is your favorite memory?

7. What is your favorite color and why?

8. Do you have a role-model? If so, who is it?

9. With whom do you enjoy spending time?

10. Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

44 thoughts on “Liebster Award”

    1. Thanks lil sis! I have learned a thing or two about budgeting which helps a lot with finances. But I’m not a financial planner. I went through a course called Financial Peace University. But happy to help anyway I can. 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a good topic to discuss. I’ve had more faith than money lol, so that has kept me going. I wish I had known more about money in my earlier years, but it’s never too late to learn. 😊


  1. Congratulations Dawn and am so glad to know a little more about you. That is one thing good about these awards – we come to know each other more.
    I too love astronomy and as I wrote in one of my posts : my spiritual journey started with my love for astronomy 😊💕
    Am so glad to know about the bonding with your daughter. I have similar one with my son💕🙏
    I visited Virginia for a few days in July 2014 and shall be there again this October 😊
    Thank you so much for thinking of me and nominating me Dawn. I feel honoured.
    Just now I am a little tied up with a big personal project and some organisational work and may take some time before responding.
    Keep shining your love and light Dawn 🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! ☀️You are very welcome! Glad to hear you also enjoy astronomy, and enjoy time with your son. Children are a blessing. Very nice you’ve been to VA. It’s a nice state. 🤗That’s ok, I understand, take your time on your response…Just wanted you to know I appreciate your blog. 😊🙏🏿❤️ Be blessed!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats Dawn. Your blog is really a daily inspiration. Thanks for the nomination. I’ll make a post to this effect next week. Hope it’s not too late. I’m grateful. Right now my child is at the hospital receiving treatment, please pray for her healing.🙏 Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Florence! I pray the Lord will bring healing and strength to your child and peace to you all during this difficult time. In the name of Jesus. Don’t worry about the award. It’s no rush. It’s most important for you to care for your child. Hoping and praying things get better soon! ❤️❤️🙏🏿

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dawn, I loved reading what you had to say, and thank you for your congratulations regarding my marriage – all I can say is that God is Good!

    Thank you for giving of yourself, your time to respond to this award, and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE in the military. Your life shines in love and service, which is true encouragement. Blessings sweet friend for the contribution that YOU are to our community. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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