The Mystery Blogger Award 2019

The Mystery Blogger Award 2019

Renee/Heart Tokens has presented me with The Mystery Blogger Award.

Thank you Renee! I really appreciate you nominating me for this award. I am thankful that we connected and I have enjoyed your blog posts. They have been an encouragement and inspiration to me.  I pray that God will continue to use you to speak truth through your blog, and that the gifts and talents He has given you will continue to be a blessing to many. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity!

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
  • Share a link to your best posts.

3 Things About Dawn:

  • I love taking walks, especially in the park. It gives me time to pray and reflect. Other times I will call someone and talk while I walk.
  • My favorite two foods are pizza and french fries.
  • l like to sing.

Here are the questions asked of me to answer:

1- If you could see yourself through the eyes of those who know you well, what advice do you think they would be bold enough to give you, good or bad? Be more spontaneous, don’t over think things.

2- What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? Souse Meat. I used to eat it growing up, but now I don’t think I could eat one piece, especially looking at the ingredients. Haven’t had it in many years.

3- What is a pet peeve of yours? When people are petty, put others down to build themselves up, and spend too much time competing with others instead of focusing on God’s plan for their own lives.

4- What advice would you give the younger you, knowing all that you know now? Value yourself. Take time to get to know yourself and develop yourself.

5- What is your favorite idiom, if any? It’s a small world.

Here are my questions for those who choose to participate:

  1. If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be and why?
  2. Do you prefer silver or gold?
  3. What is your favorite season and why?
  4. If you could go on national TV to discuss any topic what would it be?
  5. What is one of the most important lessons you have learned in life?

Here are a few of my best posts:

I’m giving this award to the following:

Thank you for encouraging and inspiring me with your blogs. You do not have to participate, but if you do…have fun! You can even choose to pass it off to someone else if you want. Thanks again. May God continue to bless your blogging journey! Dawn 😊


Author: Dawn

The love of Jesus will never fail you. Thank you for visiting my blog.

15 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award 2019”

  1. Congratulations Dawn! I enjoyed reading your answers. What the heck is Souse meat? Sounds disgusting!
    I agree with valuing one’s self. Something I believe we all wish we had done!

    God bless and have a great Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Stuart!! Souse is basically a bunch of different parts of the pig that are thrown together and pickled with different seasonings. It is disgusting looking at it now. We ate it with crackers and hot sauce. My parents are from South Carolina.

      Yes, I wish I had known more about my self worth/value in Christ for sure! Thanks for writing. God bless! Happy Easter!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your answers my friend! Is souse the same thing as hog-head cheese? I have tried that as a kid, but when I discovered what it was, haven’t touched it since! Love pizza and fries myself! I hate pettiness also! And I think I would tell my younger self the same, but add—don’t tell everything you know.. It sometimes can and will be held against you! Thanks for participating! You deserved the award! I’m enjoying reading your posts!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! And thanks again for the nomination. I think they are the same thing or closely related. Yes people mistreating others through pettiness really bothers me. That’s great advice, “don’t tell everything you know!”

      Glad you’re enjoying the posts! I am enjoying yours too!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations and thanks for nominating !
    I had to Google “Souse meat”. Maggi and curry will make it tasty. Keep walking in love sis. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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